Time:  6:00 -6:45 pm (social time); 6:45 pm (show and tell) & 7:00 pm (mtg/program

Place:  Lake Farmpark, 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd, Kirtland, OH  44094

Program: Felting SIG Presentation

Hostess:  Nora Eason

Meeting: Voting on Library Issue.

It’s that time of year .. .dues (of $25.00)  can be turned in to Nora for the upcoming year. According to our RAAM guidelines, if you submit by end of September, you are awarded a point.

Also time to think about ways you may want to participate or head up a committee. There are many opportunities opening up for the new year. If you are interested or have questions, you can talk to JoEllen or someone on the nominating committee, which will be announced at this meeting.
Hope to see you there!

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