There’s a meeting on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 22nd

6:30 – 7:00 is Show & Tell*

7:00 The program Updates from our Special Interest Groups

There will be a business meeting following the program

*It is encouraged that if you have an item to share, that (if possible) you send a photo to Bob no later than noon the day of the meeting.  There will be a slide show, and all will have an opportunity to briefly explain details.  Please also bring items to share at the meeting if you are there in person.


Remember to RSVP to Flora for the Holiday Luncheon

Saturday December 3rd at 11:30am.

Location will be the Welshfield Inn, 14001 Main Market Road, Burton, Ohio.

Please RSVP to Flora Daniels ( or (937)207-7554) if you will be attending (yes or no), and include if you have any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc) if you are attending. We will be choosing lunch from a limited menu (5 options to choose from, similar to last year), and I want to make sure we have options for everyone.

Zoom info for Tuesday meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 6829 4602

Passcode: WRSW