The first Guild meeting of 2022 will be Tuesday the 22nd.  Show n Tell at 6:45, Meeting begins at 7.  The topic for the meeting is the President’s Challenge.  Please send any pictures you have taken for the challenge to to share them on Zoom. Please also bring your work to the meeting so we can see them in person.

From Flora:  I’d like to note that our budget this year has less income than expenses, so the budgeting committee has asked the executive committee to earmark some unallocated funds to cover the difference. After making some additional adjustments to the budget, the executive committee approved the earmark, as we would like to maintain as many of the benefits to our members as possible. The executive committee discussed some opportunities for raising funds for the Guild.

We also have unallocated funds from Uarda’s gift, so I’m asking for volunteers for an adhoc committee to evaluate what to do with the remaining funds, similar to what was originally done in 2020. Please reach out if you are interested in either fundraising or Uarda’s gift committee.

Topic: WRSW February Guild Meeting
Time: Feb 22, 2022 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 0941 7433
Passcode: WRSW