WRSW Guild’s talents and treasures will be on display at the Kirtland Public Library during the month of April!
Please bring your spun, woven, felted, and/or fiber item to the next guild meeting on Tuesday, March 28.  The Show team will decorate the two display cases inside the entry doors at the library.
For everyone who was not at the last meeting, the take-in call went out — and you still have a week to decide what to show off! Many thanks to the 13 ladies who signed up to bring us their fiber arts! Please attach a “Show-n-Tell” form http://members.wrspinweave.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-WRSW-SHOW-N-TELL-FORM.pdf  for each piece with as much descriptive detail (title, color, size, knit, woven, spun, etc) as possible and make sure to include your phone number. We hope you will participate and come visit the show as well!
See http://www.kirtland.lib.oh.us/ for address and hours.

One Comment

  1. JoEllen Salkin March 22, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    This has been a great tradition for our Guild and a good way to inform others of the creativity of our membership.

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