September, 2023

To the WRSW Membership:
As announced at the WRSW August 2023 meeting, Flora Daniels has decided to step down as President
of the WRSWG aver serving for two years in that capacity. Likewise, Karen Gerken recently announced
she has decided to end her service as Vice President of the Guild.
The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates from within the WRSW membership to serve in the
positons of President and Vice President. The final slate of officers will be presented to the membership
at the Guild meetng on Tuesday, September 26.
The President is described as “the ‘keeper of the flame’ of the Guild’s mission statement – ‘to teach and
promote the arts of spinning, weaving, dyeing and related fiber arts’”. The Vice President is described as
the “first supporter of the President and the main example of the Guild’s mission statement ‘to teach
and promote the arts of spinning, weaving, dyeing and related fiber arts’”. Additional descriptions and
duties for these two vital Guild roles are described in the WRSW Guild’s Jobs and Responsibilities
Handbook (pages 2 and 3).
We are asking you to consider volunteering to be the Guild’s “keeper of the flame” or “the first supporter
and main example” that promotes and supports our community’s fiber arts journey.
If you are interested or would like additional information, please contact any member of the Nominating
Committee, Robert Breitzmann, Sally Vourlojianis or Yvonne Harrold. We ask that you express your
interest or intention to serve the Guild in the role of President or Vice President to the Committee by
September 16, 2023.
We hope you will consider sharing your many and varied talents with the other members of our fiber
arts community by helping to lead us.
Best regards,
Robert Breitzmann or 440-773-6058
Sally Vourlojianis or 440-452-2136
Yvonne Harrold or 216-849-8065

In the tapestry of life, we’re all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together. – Anita Moorjan