Don’t Forget this SATURDAY is our Annual Spin-In at Laleure Vineyards

Hope you can join us!

To add a different touch to our annual spin-in, since it is on Halloween we will  be having a Costume Contest (this is optional).  Rumor has it that Cindy Kolacz already has her costume ready.  So get your imagination going and get those costumes ready!

The winner will receive 4 ounces of alpaca roving!

 This annual SPIN-IN will be held October 31, 2015 at Laleure Vineyards located at:

17335 Nash Rd, Parkman, OH 44080
(440) 548-5120

Hours:   Noon – 4pm

Please bring a dish to share and your portable project and enjoy the day with like-minded knitters, crocheters, spinners, and weavers.  It’s a great day of fun and relaxation and making new friends.