February 2025 Minutes
The February Meeting Minutes are now posted on the Minutes and Newsletters page.
You will have to log in for access.
The February Meeting Minutes are now posted on the Minutes and Newsletters page.
You will have to log in for access.
Chris, the IT guy, has informed me that everything is fixed!
The page access levels were still set to the 2024 memberships.
If any member is looking to shop online at the Woolery or Halcyon, please remember to use the links at the bottom of our website.
Each store keeps track of WRSW purchases and sends us a check after the first of the year.
The Minutes for the November meeting are posted on the Members’ section of the website.
You will have to log in for access.
The minutes from the October 2024 meeting are now posted on the website.
You will have to log in to access them.
Glimakra Ideal 8 shaft/10 treadle 100 cm Horizontal Countermarche loom with 10 dent reed & non-skid feet. Includes bench, new texsolv & loads of heddles. Excellent condition $2200. Pick up only. Wickliffe, OH.
Contact: beemerquilter@yahoo.com
The October Newsletter has been revised and re-posted.
You will have to log in for access.
The Minutes from the September Meeting have been posted on the Documents Page.
You will have to log in for access.
The Oct-Nov Newsletter is now available on the Documents page in the Members’ section of the website.
You will have to log in for access.
Long time WRSW member Jan Gibson has moved to Delaware to be with her daughter. I’m sure she’d love to hear from old friends. Her address is: 30211 Seashore Park Dr, Millville, DE 19967, USA