Check out these times to see video from Ohio Mart weekend
Joyce has shared the information on Stan Hywet Ohio Mart: Here is the information we received from PBS. The three videos are the same. Just a different way of viewing it. Cindy’s tapestry, my inkle weaving. and Lisa’s spinning.
Here is the 5-minute version of the Ohio Mart […]
Tuesday: Learn about SIGs & Vote
Guild Meeting October 22nd
The October meeting will highlight the activities of our special interest groups over the past year, from spun to woven to dyed and felted works.
Come see what everyone has been up […]
Fashion Show & Elections in 2 Weeks!
Guild Meeting October 22nd
The October meeting will highlight the activities of our special interest groups over the past year, from spun to woven to dyed and felted works.
Come see what everyone has been up […]
Revised Newsletter
The October Newsletter has been revised and re-posted.
You will have to log in for access.
September Minutes
The Minutes from the September Meeting have been posted on the Documents Page.
You will have to log in for access.
Cranbrook Loom for sale
Schacht Cranbrook Countermarche loom
Asking $2000
Dimensions: 69″wide, 77″deep, 71.5″high.
Loom has been lovingly maintained in a non-smoking environment and is in excellent shape. Loom has treadle locks, a fully adjustable beater with two sets of lamms (an upper suspended laam and a lower pivoting lamm).
The solid octagonal warp and […]
2024 Oct-Nov Newsletter
The Oct-Nov Newsletter is now available on the Documents page in the Members’ section of the website.
You will have to log in for access.
News from NOTA
Long time WRSW member Jan Gibson has moved to Delaware to be with her daughter. I’m sure she’d love to hear from old friends. Her address is: 30211 Seashore Park Dr, Millville, DE 19967, USA
Loom and equipment for sale
We have been contacted by a woman with several items to sell from an estate:
Schacht 46″ 4 harness loom with large Leclerc bench and lots of accessories for $2195
Of Coverlets, the Legacies, the Weavers for $195
Issues of Handwoven for $ .25, and many books
Additionally shuttles, tension boxes, table looms, tapestry looms, […]