
WRSW enjoys monthly general meetings from February through November each year. Workshops presented by both local and national or international teachers are generally in the Spring and Fall. Check back to our Events page for more information on these guild events. In addition to general meetings and workshops, WRSW also has speciallized special interest groups (SIGs) that are for members only. More information on this can be found on our SIG page.

Spin-In – Thursday – December 10, 2015

This Thursday’s Spin-In will be held at Panera Bread  in Bainbridge, Ohio at 6pm.

Join us for a casual gathering. Bring your spinning wheels, knitting, crocheting, needle felting, mini looms or any portable project.  This is a wonderful opportunity to hone your spinning skills-or to learn, if you’ve been itching to […]

2015-11-07T15:34:28-05:00December 6th, 2015|spin-in|

Spin-In – Thursday – December 3, 2015

This Thursday’s Spin-In will be held at Burton Library in Burton, Ohio at 6pm.

Join us for a casual gathering. Bring your spinning wheels, knitting, crocheting, needle felting, mini looms or any portable project.  This is a wonderful opportunity to hone your spinning skills-or to learn, if you’ve been itching to […]

2015-11-07T15:31:41-05:00November 29th, 2015|spin-in|

Spin-In – Thursday – November 12, 2015

This Thursday’s Spin-In will be held at Panera Bread in Bainbridge, Ohio at 6pm.

Join us for a casual gathering. Bring your spinning wheels, knitting, crocheting, needle felting, mini looms or any portable project.  This is a wonderful opportunity to hone your spinning skills-or to learn, if you’ve been itching to discover […]

2015-11-07T15:23:27-05:00November 8th, 2015|spin-in|
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