
WRSW enjoys monthly general meetings from February through November each year. Workshops presented by both local and national or international teachers are generally in the Spring and Fall. Check back to our Events page for more information on these guild events. In addition to general meetings and workshops, WRSW also has speciallized special interest groups (SIGs) that are for members only. More information on this can be found on our SIG page.

seeking volunteers

The Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers for the President and Vice President positions.  If you are interested or know of an interested member, please contact one of the committee members below.  The slate of officers is to be presented at the September 24, 2019 meeting so earlier responses are greatly appreciated.  […]

2019-09-06T15:03:19-04:00September 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|

next meeting

Hi All,

The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, August 27, 2019

Cheryl Laufer will present a Hands on Felting program

meeting location: Lake Metroparks Farmpark 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd  Kirtland, OH 44094

6pm – Casual work time

6:45pm – Show & Tell

7pm – Program


2019-08-25T17:43:25-04:00August 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

next meeting

Hi all.

Hope you are enjoying the summer.  Our next meeting is coming up in a couple of weeks.

Cheryl Laufer will present a Hands on Felting program

The next meeting is scheduled for August 27, 2019

meeting location: Lake Metroparks Farmpark 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd  Kirtland, OH 44094

6pm […]

2019-08-11T13:29:34-04:00August 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|

next meeting is our potluck and stash relocation

Hi all,

This summer is certainly going fast. Nancy Curtiss reminded me that our next meeting is coming up soon !!! ( and also forwarded this blurb to me)

It’s next week- July 23

This is our annual potluck picnic and stash relocation event, which will be held at The West Woods at 9465 […]

2019-07-15T15:13:12-04:00July 15th, 2019|Uncategorized|

next meeting

Hi All.  Just a quick reminder,

Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 25.   Bob Breitzmann will lead. Gwen Brown of Gwen Erin Fibers will speak about her studies in dyeing and fibers.

meeting location: Lake Metroparks Farmpark 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd  Kirtland, OH 44094

6pm – Casual […]

2019-06-24T02:45:19-04:00June 24th, 2019|Uncategorized|

reminder for next meeting

Hi all, Hope you are having a wonderful last few days of spring.

Our next meeting is June 25.  Bob Breitzmann will lead. Gwen Brown of Gwen Erin Fibers will speak about her studies in dyeing and fibers.

meeting location: Lake Metroparks Farmpark 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd  Kirtland, OH 44094

2019-06-12T10:53:04-04:00June 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|
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