Guild Meeting June 25th

Lake FarmPark
8800 Euclid Chardon Rd, Kirtland

Handbags 1875 to Present and Women’s Roles During those Eras

by  Ginger Mangie

This will include a trunk show of 75 unique handbags along with a needlework sample from each era.
Examples: Miser Bag, circa 1875 , beaded bags from the Flapper days, Lucite and celluloid bags, as well as many others including her originally hand stitched purses. A fun program for anyone who carries a purse.
Ginger is the founder of Wildside Stitching and is dedicated to needle arts, excellence in quilting techniques, and defining the “Art” in Art Quilting..​ Ginger holds a degree in Home Economics and a Master’s Degree in Education teaching Human Ecology for over 35 years. She is a member of the Stan Hywet Needlework Guild in Akron, Ohio and a certified quilting instructor who has won numerous awards for her work.

6:00 Informal Socializing

6:30 – 7:00 Intros and  Show and Share

Please join us at 6:30 for some informal sharing and Show and Tell.   For Show and Tell, please send pictures of your works in progress or completed pieces to Bob ( so that we can clearly see and enjoy your work.

7:00 Program 

Business Meeting to follow

  • Review of minutes for March and April, vote to approve
  • Finance report (brief summary of current status of each of the designated funds)
  • Any announcements from SIGs and leadership
  • Announcement of potential leadership opportunities for 2025 for membership to consider before August meeting (also a heads up for the Budget and Nominating Committees)

Ginger will be joining us in person for this month’s presentation.  If you are unable to attend at Lake FarmPark, here is the Zoom info:

Topic: WRSW June Meeting
Time: Jun 25, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 863 9797 8607
Passcode: WRSW