A reminder that the October meeting of the Guild is:

Tuesday, October 25th

6:30 – 7:00 is Show & Tell

NOTE  Because members have been so prolific and eager to share, the Executive Committee has recommended that the time for Show and Tell be extended.  Additionally, it is encouraged that if you have an item to share, that (if possible) you send a photo to Bob robert.breitzmann@gmail.com no later than noon the day of the meeting.  There will be a slide show, and all will have an opportunity to briefly explain details.  Please also bring items to share at the meeting if you are there in person.

7:00 The program is a video The Evolution of Wool by Judith MacKenzie 

There will be a business meeting following the program

During the Business portion of the evening we will be voting on the Slate of Officers for 2023.  A Quorum is needed, and we hope you will attend.


Zoom Info:

Topic: WRSR October Meeting

Time: Oct 25, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 867 2815 2528

Passcode: WRSW