* WRSW Guild has once again been invited to have a show of our guild’s FIBER ART in the West Hallway at Lake Farmpark. The three categories are 1) KITCHEN (towels, napkins, table runners, doilies, etc) 2) RUGS and 3) ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS – for those of you who made something to fulfill the 2017 President’s Challenge. Please bring your items to the MARCH 26 meeting. The show will run from APRIL 22 thru May 12. These dates were set after the February/March newsletter was published so that information was incorrect – TAKE IN IS MARCH MEETING ONLY – the April meeting is too late as the show will be up – you can view it during our April meeting!

* Demonstration sign-up sheet for the weekend – May 11 & 12 – will be available at both the March and April meetings. Please help us FULFILL OUR COMMITMENT to Lake Farmpark to demonstrate twice per year in exchange for our meeting space!

• We need volunteers to help with the Make ‘n Take event on both days – May 11 & 12. We will be making felted soaps once again. Thanks to guild members for their generous donations of Ivory soap last year, we have sufficient soap for this event. The Felting SIG supplies the felt and we have plenty of zipper bags. We will need three volunteers each day – a sign up sheet will be available at the March and April meetings.

* Openings for half hour PRESENTATIONS during the weekend are still available. So far, we have commitments for Spinning and Rigid Heddle presentations. Does anyone want to demonstrate Felting or Lace making? A power point presentation is not necessary, but can be accommodated. A few introductory words about your process and a multitude of samples of the fiber art will fill a half hour presentation! Last year’s audiences were very interested in looking at our process and the results.

Sunday, May 12, is Mother’s Day and we (LFP, President Uarda Taylor & our Show Committee) very much appreciate any and all guild members who can make time to demonstrate and/or do a presentation on one or both days. We do not have a set presentation schedule at this time but will work with you and your schedule. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE to everyone who shows up to demonstrate your fiber art and help with the weekend events!