Lake Farmpark has invited WRSW Guild to decorate one of their Christmas trees this year!
I am making a call out for members to bring Christmas Ornaments to the October meeting! We will decorate it in the days before Thanksgiving. If you have a handmade ornament – be it made by you or an ancestor – aand you are willing to part with it for this Christmas season – please bring your ornament(s) to the October meeting. Please put it in a clear plastic bag – put your name and phone number and description of the ornament (color, size, fiber media, media, etc) so it gets returned to  you (I will also photograph it).
I will let everyone know the “Tree Decorating” Day when I know …
Many Thanks!
Linda Christopher, Show Chair
on behalf of the 2018 WRSW Show Committee:
Cindy Kolaz
Sue Ingrassia
Darlene Smit
Uarda Taylor