A couple of opportunities to demonstrate your skills are happening soon!
Apple Harvest weekend at Lake FarmPark is around the corner.  The dates are 9/23 and 9/24 from 10:00 to 4:00. We will be in the main building.
Just to remind you, the guild has committed to demonstrating at the Park two weekends a year in order to hold our monthly meetings there for free. Guild members will receive 1 RAAM point for every 4 hours that they volunteer.  Point allocation will be adjusted if you volunteer for less time.
All fiber related activities are welcome, including weaving on any type of loom, felting, spinning, knitting etc.  ( use your imagination).
Please RSVP to Joan Horwich either via email or text. Include the date you plan to attend as well as estimated time frame.
John’s Nursery, annual honey bee festival is 9/16 from 10:00 to 4:00 – as above- any fiber related activity is welcome. They have specifically mentioned an interest in natural dyeing.
FYI- there are no points awarded for this activity- but it is good for public relations and in generating more interest in the guild.
We will again be in a tent and Sue Ingrassia is bringing her tarp to help give us some extra shade.
RSVP -would be appreciated so that I can let the Nursery know how many people to expect
John’s country nursery
15808 Old State Rd
Middlefield Ohio. 44062
Thanks,  Hope to see you at these events