Survey Time

According to the Guild’s Handbook of Responsibilities, it is recommended that a Needs Assessment Survey be conducted every two years to assist the Executive Board in making plans for Guild Activities.  Long past due, the Survey is now available.  Please click on the link to take the Survey.  All responses are totally anonymous.  It will be open for responses until Monday March 18, 2024.  Results will then be compiled and shared with the Guild membership and the Executive Board.

Weaving Workshop Announcement

We are having a workshop to weave a small rug with curly locks of wool on Saturday May 11 from 9:00 to 3:00 in the classroom at Lake Farmpark,

You provide a small loom with a warp and Terra Rolland will be providing the wool and the instructions. The finished rug will be approximately 20” by 30”, and extra wool will be available if you want to make it bigger.

Ridged Heddle, Table loom, any small loom will work. If you don’t have a loom, several small looms are available.

The cost will be $75. The Guild will provide snacks and drinks, bring a bag lunch.

Class size is limited to 20. If you want to attend email Bob