
WRSW enjoys monthly general meetings from February through November each year. Workshops presented by both local and national or international teachers are generally in the Spring and Fall. Check back to our Events page for more information on these guild events. In addition to general meetings and workshops, WRSW also has speciallized special interest groups (SIGs) that are for members only. More information on this can be found on our SIG page.

CWG Dead Weavers Sale

Join us the last full weekend of September
in beautiful Cleveland Heights, Ohio for the
2021 Cuyahoga Weavers Guild
“Dead Weavers Sale”
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
September 24th, 25th and 26th
9am to 4pm
2021-08-18T10:14:46-04:00August 18th, 2021|Meetings|

Loom for Sale

From Rebecca Steinback:

A gentleman asked me to contact weavers who might be interested in buying his mother’s loom.  The loom belonged to the woman who donated the Finnish loom to the Finn Museum in Fairport, but this loom is in his basement.  She passed away recently and no one […]

2021-08-14T16:06:24-04:00August 14th, 2021|Meetings|

Updates and Newsletter

Please remember the calling hours for Uarda Taylor’s Memorial Service will be 10 am – 1 pm on Saturday, August 21, at Behm Funeral Home, 26 River Street, Madison, OH.

We are resuming meeting at Lake Farmpark beginning with our August 24 meeting.

On August 24 we will […]

2021-08-02T11:31:21-04:00August 2nd, 2021|Meetings|


Demonstrations at Lake Metroparks Farmpark have been cancelled due to anticipated cold and rainy weather!

We originally requested outdoor space due to Covid restrictions; so Farmpark did not arrange an alternative indoor space for us, and the Exhibit Hall is closed at this time.

A  big THANK YOU to those that […]

2021-05-07T19:58:45-04:00May 7th, 2021|Meetings|

Demonstration opportunity at Farmpark, May 8 & 9

We apologize for not being able to address this at our meeting last Tuesday, but this coming weekend, May 8 & 9, is Shearing Weekend at Lake Metroparks Farmpark.

We realize that not everyone is comfortable or prepared to do our usual public demonstrations of our craft just […]

2021-05-01T17:34:49-04:00May 1st, 2021|Meetings|

Revised April 2021 Newsletter

From JoEllen Salkin:

 Follow this link to the corrected April/May newsletter.  The previous one was to go out on April Fool’s Day, and I think I will use that as an excuse….  This corrected version includes the fine work of the Felting SIG on page 5.  Apologies, […]

2021-04-05T20:08:40-04:00April 5th, 2021|Meetings|

next meeting is March 24

Hi All.  Our next meeting is March 24.

Linda Bouck will present a program on Band/Card weaving

Susan Conover will present the 2020 Budget for membership vote.
Social time is anytime after 6 pm
Introductions and Show ‘n Tell starts at 6:45
Meeting to start at 7 pm.
Meetings are […]
2021-01-17T15:50:02-05:00March 8th, 2020|Meetings|

Meeting February 25 2020

Hi All

Hope to see you at  our first meeting of the year, tomorrow, February 25.   We will be presenting and voting on the 2020 budget.  Remember to bring your red items for the President’s Challenge as well.

social hour and sharing at 6:00

meeting and program at 7:00

Meetings are held at8800 Chardon […]

2021-01-17T15:50:53-05:00February 24th, 2020|Meetings|
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