
WRSW enjoys monthly general meetings from February through November each year. Workshops presented by both local and national or international teachers are generally in the Spring and Fall. Check back to our Events page for more information on these guild events. In addition to general meetings and workshops, WRSW also has speciallized special interest groups (SIGs) that are for members only. More information on this can be found on our SIG page.

Photos on Roster

Members may have noticed that there are many photos to go with the Roster entries on the members’ site. If you do not see your photo, or don’t like the current photo, then please send me a jpeg of your head and shoulders that you do like.



2016-04-25T14:54:13-04:00April 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Our Exhibit April 2-29

Western Reserve Spinners & Weavers Exhibit – April 2 – 29, 2016.

Be sure to stop in at the Kirtland Library to see the fantastic display of woven, spun, felted, bobbin lace and other items created by members of the Guild. There are spindles, fleeces and other things used to create […]

2016-04-19T07:31:13-04:00April 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Meeting Tuesday, February 23

Ondulé Weaving: the what, the how, and a view of artist’s and craft’s people use of the technique. Ondule Weaving

Last summer, Liz Mather attended a weaving workshop at Peter’s Valley School of Craft to learn about Ondulé Weaving.  She came back from […]

2016-02-19T11:19:20-05:00February 19th, 2016|Uncategorized|

2016 Retreat at River’s Edge

Our annual Retreat with the North Coast Knitting Guild is March 11-13. It is a very relaxing weekend starting Friday afternoon and ending after lunch on Sunday. Bring your spinning wheel, knitting or any portable project. No cooking, no housework! Meals are included from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch for $140. […]

2016-01-30T17:12:20-05:00January 30th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Holiday Luncheon and Gift Exchange

January 23, 2016.  WRSW Guild Holiday Gathering / Roc Day

11am to 3pm

The Willoughby Hills Community Center
35400 Chardon Rd.
 Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094

Location:  View Google map


The Senior Center is on the lower level of the Community Center (directly across from the Willoughby Hills […]

2016-01-07T17:23:19-05:00January 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Ply Magazine Subscription Sale

From President Sally V. and Ply magazine:

 For the month of January, we’re running a subscription special for guilds and guild members!
Fiber guilds add so much to our fiber community and we’d like to thank the guilds and guild members by offering a discounted 1-year subscription price for the month of January. […]
2015-12-28T13:28:14-05:00December 28th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Holiday Luncheon

From President Sally V:

Celebrating the Holiday Season during the holidays can be both enjoyable and stressful.  Good to spend time with “our fiber people” but also one more deadline and spot on the calendar.  In NEOhio, unless you’re a snowbird or on a cruise, there usually isn’t […]

2015-12-19T23:06:11-05:00December 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|


The end of 2015 is approaching and 2016 dues need to be paid by 12-31-2015 in order for you to be eligible for the Special Interest Groups (SIG) in 2016. As you know, the SIG’s are open only to members and there are SIG meetings in January.

If you are unsure  of payment, you […]

2015-12-02T17:36:33-05:00December 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized|
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